
I’m laying here in bed. Well past 3am. I’m wide awake. My mind is having a grand time running off with my thoughts instead of letting me sleep.

Today was a weird day. I feel like I actually had some moments of calm today. Compared to how I typically feel all day every day…on edge and constantly filled with anxiety the calm is nice.

I hate it. Because I know it will leave. But. I’m wondering now if the reason I’ve felt so much worse is the increase the walk in clinic did on my lexapro. That 10mg increase sent me into a horrible spiral.

Two days ago I decided to drop the extra 10mg and go back to my original dose of 20mg. Today makes day three of back to 20mg and I wonder if that’s why I feel a little better.

I don’t think I realized the added anxiety at first due to the Valium they also prescribed. Leaving me a mess when it was gone.

Counting down the days now till I get to talk to someone finally about my meds. This has got to change.

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